YUMEJOSHI (夢女子 'dreaming girl') - a japanese fandom term used to describe female self-shippers.


I started self-shipping when i was a wee little 10 yr-old reading hatsune miku x reader fics! I ended up stopping my self-shipping endeavors in middle school sadly but this was around the same time that those cringe fandom comps were popular on youtube and for awhile such things like self shipping were considered 'cringe' in fandom spaces. of course theres some folks that keep up that stupid standard, but i really started back up once i got into enstars in june 2020. my first yume since i started self shipping with again was Tsumugi Aoba, a member of the fictional idol unit "Switch". After about of year of being into enstars i started shipping myself with Kohaku Oukawa from "Crazy:B" and then Tatsumi Kazehaya from "Alkaloid". Currently my yume that i think about the most is Tatsumi, whom is a former priest with a leg injury with a guilty conscience from some kind of incident he was involved with in the past that landed him in the hospital with another casuality.

I think the main reason i started self-shipping again was mostly because despite enstars being mostly catered to fujos, theres still bits and pieces of self-shipping bait and me being a big dummy i got a bit too close to a few characters. I had some trouble easing into it at first mostly because im a lesbian and i thought that by self-shipping myself with fictional men it would invalidate my experiences as a lesbian but ive learned over time that fictional crushes are nothing more than fictional and that these endeavors and hobbies dont define me as a real person. afterall what kind of real person is a former priest thats also an idol thats nearly perfect in every way? and what kind of real person is a half assassin/idol thats was locked up for almost the entirety of their life by their family in some sort of prison? exactly! its not real so i can do whatever i want with these characters. and who said i cant headcanon these characters as butch he/him lesbians? or that i couldnt genderbend them for self shipping purposes? (two things that i do FYI).

i can do whatever i want within this realm and thats what makes it fun at its center!